• Acts of Friendship, exhibition poster Migros Museum, 2023

    Acts of Friendship, exhibition poster Migros Museum, 2023 

  • message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000

    message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000 

  • message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000

    message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000 

  • message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000

    message salon snackbar, Pfingstweidstrasse Zurich 1999/2000 

  • message salon caravan, Migros Museum collection exhibition, 2001, photo

    message salon caravan, Migros Museum collection exhibition, 2001, photo  

  • "Collection on Display", Migros Museum, Zürich 2014 Foto©Nicola Duc

    "Collection on Display", Migros Museum, Zürich 2014 Foto©Nicola Duc 

message salon Wohnwagen


Since 2001 in the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art Collection, Zurich

27. January – 28 May 2023
«Der message salon Wohnwagen, 1998–2000»
Hang out specials with Esther Eppstein
«Acts of Friendship – Acts 1 & 2»
Migros Museum, Zürich

«Der message salon Wohnwagen, 1998–2000» and «message salon/Perla-Mode 2006-2013», photo sculptur, 2014
«Collection on Display», curated by Judith Welter
Migros Museum Zürich

«Der message salon Wohnwagen, 1998–2000»
«4 FREE», group show by Büro Friedrich, Berlin D

«Der message salon Wohnwagen, 1998–2000»
In the Collection of  Migros Museum
Exhibition of collection

«message salon caravan & special snackbar»
With Susann Walder, Franziska Koch, Lutz & Guggisberg, Zor-el & Zalura/Letikova/Penny, Kerim Seiler
Fri-Art, Fribourg

«message salon Campingplatz mit Snackbar»
With Kay-Zee, Antonio Pate, Lutz & Guggisberg, Die Familienbande, San Keller, Franziska Koch, Serge Pinkus, Jörg Köppl, Andreas Bühler.
Pfingstweidstr. 10, 8005 Zürich

«Die message salon Ferienkolonie»
With Stini Arn & Nicoletta Wartmann, Lutz & Guggisberg, San Keller & Andrea Roca, Edith Oderbolz, Serge Pinkus, Treppstein “Wahlverwandtschaften”, invited by Bice Curiger, Art&Appenzell, Appenzell