“Esther Eppstein message salon” The book and exhibition about the message salon, the photo albums and Perla-Mode DJ Sistaesta, Esther Eppstein, Giorgio Iemmolo, Martin Lorenz, None of Them, Tobias von Glenck 04.05.2016 – 07.05.2016 17.04.2016
“Notes from the Alps” – Ella Spector message salon embassy Zine No. 03 Ella Spector, Giorgio Iemmolo, Urs August Steiner 14.08.2015 11.08.2015
Le salon dans le Salon “I was kidding” Hosted by Dr. Iemmolo Giorgio Iemmolo, Micha Lewinsky, Roy Menachem Markovich 10.07.2015 04.07.2015
Le salon dans le Salon “Where did I end up?” Hosted by Dr. Iemmolo Anna Lukashevsky, Giorgio Iemmolo, Maria Pomiansky 30.05.2015 26.05.2015
Madame l’Ambassadeur launches message salon embassy Anna Lukashevsky, Benjamin Sommerhalder, Binggeli-Mayer, Binggeli-Meyer, Ella Spector, Esther Eppstein, Giorgio Iemmolo, Jonathan Touitou, Roy Menachem Markovich, Señor Sandwich 02.05.2015 27.04.2015