• Performance Christian Falsnaes, message salon flyer

    Performance Christian Falsnaes, message salon flyer  

  • Performance Christian Falsnaes at Perla-Mode, photo album message salon, Esther Eppstein

    Performance Christian Falsnaes at Perla-Mode, photo album message salon, Esther Eppstein 

A good reason is one that looks like one.

Performance and zine launch, door 8 pm, Start at 8.30 pm sharp

message salon, Perla-Mode
Langstrasse84/Brauerstrasse 37, 8004 Zürich

The Vienna-based Danish artist Christian Falsnaes has been travelling to international art institutions, galleries and art spaces for some time now to develop performances and exhibitions with the art public. The art space is a place of encounter, action and agitation. Art is celebrated with relish, the artist is the role model, the agitator and wire-puller for the conquest of the art space by the audience. In Christian Falsnae’s performances, the visitor is not a passive consumer, but first and foremost the material that the artist uses and moulds. At best, the artist encourages people to surpass themselves and do unexpected things.

Christian Falsnaes plays with social genres and tests the hierarchical power relationship between artist and audience. However, he obviously poses general questions about authority, obedience and complicity, faith and (self-)trust.

Christian Falsnae’s performances unfold a subversive power, a quiet touch of revolutionary elation. The greatest power lies within us, in creation, in the art that belongs to us all, be it in the streets of the cities or in the defined art space. Anything is possible if we want it!

To mark the performance in Zurich, message salon and Christian Falsnaes have produced the exclusive art zine ‘A good reason is one that looks like one.’ which will be published in a limited edition of 100 copies.