
















Esther Eppstein message salon –The Publication

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«Esther Eppstein message salon»
Idea, photographie, edition: Esther Eppstein
Design: Benjamin Sommerhalder
Cover: Alexis Saile
Text: Kerim Seiler und Nadine Olonetzky
Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich

A driver of Swiss contemporary art: Esther Eppstein’s unique art project in Zürich

«Esther Eppstein, born 1967 in Zürich, is an artist and art educator and a pivotal figure in Switzerland’s cultural life. From 1996 she ran her “message salon”, an off-space for experimental art that soon became a legend and an institution. The message salon found itself wandering, nomad-like, from one condemned building to another: After a time in one of Zurich’s lively working class neighborhoods it took to a camper van for 1998/99, spent 2001 to 2006 in a quieter residential part of town, and then found a home in the former clothing store Perla-Mode. The van was later purchased by the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art in Zürich for its permanent collection.
Eppstein offered Zurich’s art scene one of the wildest and most wonderful bouquets in all of its history. It was a cultural bee-hive humming with artists and art lovers. Eppstein not only initiated, and was host to, many art projects and events, she also documented art, life, and people at her extraordinary place. This new book is a richly illustrated album of the message salon’s entire existence and a gallery of people that were its essence. The essays tell the story and reflect on the significance of this unique social sculpture.»
Nadine Olonetzky, Verlag Scheidegger& Spiess, Zürich 2016

«Esther Eppstein message salon»
Idea, photographie, edition: Esther Eppstein
Design: Benjamin Sommerhalder
Cover: Alexis Saile
Text: Kerim Seiler und Nadine Olonetzky
Translation: Rafael Newman
688 pages, 24 x 31 cm
black/white, color
1. Edition, 2016
ISBN 978-3-85881-456-2
Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich

Annabelle, 22. Mai 2016
Tages Anzeiger, 27. April 2016