• Logo by Benjamin Sommerhalder

    Logo by Benjamin Sommerhalder 

  • Skype: Hello Tel Aviv! Foto©VadimLevin

    Skype: Hello Tel Aviv! Foto©VadimLevin 

  •  Binggeli-Meyer, Foto©VadimLevin

    Binggeli-Meyer, Foto©VadimLevin 

  • The speach, Foto©VadimLevin

    The speach, Foto©VadimLevin 

  • Skype: Hello Tel Aviv! Foto©VadimLevin

    Skype: Hello Tel Aviv! Foto©VadimLevin 

  • Live on Skype: Roy Menachem Markovich and Ella Spector in Tel Aviv, Foto©VadimLevin

    Live on Skype: Roy Menachem Markovich and Ella Spector in Tel Aviv, Foto©VadimLevin 

  • Senor Sandwich, live on Skype from Tel Aviv, Foto©VadimLevin

    Senor Sandwich, live on Skype from Tel Aviv, Foto©VadimLevin 

  • Senor Sandwich, live on Skype from Tel Aviv. Foto©VadimLevin

    Senor Sandwich, live on Skype from Tel Aviv. Foto©VadimLevin 


  • The official opening, Foto©VadimLevin

    The official opening, Foto©VadimLevin 

  • Best staff,  Foto©VadimLevin

    Best staff, Foto©VadimLevin 




Madame l’Ambassadeur launches message salon embassy

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7 p.m. Welcome, accompanied by the accordion duo Binggeli-Mayer

8 p.m. Ceremony, Skype direct transmission to Tel Aviv, welcoming of the residents Ella Spector and Roy Menachem Markovich, live showcase by Señor Sandwich.

Followed by a ceremonial opening of the residency, cutting of the ribbon by Madame l'Ambassadeur and inspection of the new premises by the public.

message salon embassy is an independent art project and a new experimental format that operates close to the action and from within the scene, an ‘artist-run artist residency’ that generates networking and an exchange of ideas.

The invited artists meet people and spaces in Zurich, find stimulation, inspiration and new friends. They explore the city and the art scene with their host, Madame l’Ambassadeur. Talks, meetings and presentations take place on the premises of the message salon embassy. As a parting gift, the guests leave behind an artistic statement: a small publication, a message salon embassy fanzine.

message salon embassy

Idea, concept, organisation: Esther Eppstein aka Madame l’Ambassadeur
Logo and graphics: Benjamin Sommerhalder
Artist Talk: Giorgio Iemmolo

message salon embassy staff at the opening: Maria Arnold, Nico Sebastian Meyer, Maja Nicolin, Ailine Sophie Morgenrot, Giorgio Iemmolo, Photography Vadim Levin.

Artists in message salon embassy Residence
Anna Lukashevsky, 15 May to 15 June
Roy Menachem Markovich, 17 June to 15 July
Ella Spector, 15 July to 15 August
Jonathan Touitou, 24 August to 7 September

message salon embassy needs support and offers participation:
The friends of message salon embassy invest in the great good of artistic freedom, in the development of artists’ biographies and in the vibrancy and mix of the independent art scene in Zurich. Last but not least, they enable foreign artists to enjoy an inspiring stay in the city of Zurich.

Honorary Consul 1000 CHF, Consul 800 CHF, Cultural Attaché 300 CHF, Staff 100 CHF.

I look forward to seeing you at Grubenstrasse,
Sincerely yours, Madame l’Ambassadeur Esther Eppstein