The artist and curator Jonathan Touitou (born 1975 in Paris, lives and works in Tel Aviv) ran the independent off-space “Baad Gallery” on the premises of the Bezalel art academy in the south of Tel Aviv from 2012 to 2014.
What is the carnival, the masked ball in the context of art, has this custom found its echo anywhere in contemporary art and is there even a tradition in Zurich, and if so, would this have finally manifested itself in the Street Parade or even in the annual show run in the “Löwenbräukunst” art temple, the highlight of the season opening? Why is an artist from the Middle East researching folklore, masking or travesty in Zurich? During his two-week stay at the message salon embassy, Jonathan Touitou wants to conduct interviews and conversations with various people in Zurich. The conversations will be recorded or documented and could be the start of more in-depth research that could form the basis of an exhibition or publication.
For the opening of the galleries season, the cultural and social highlight of the Zurich art scene, Jonathan Touitou will be travelling around Zurich with Madame l’Ambassadeur Esther Eppstein, holding the new message salon embassy zine, which the artist produced before his arrival in Zurich as a medium for establishing contacts. Jonathan Touitou and Madame l’Ambassadeur are looking forward to making new and old acquaintances and to interesting, lively conversations.
„Wie kann ich in Google suchen, um die Grenzen meiner Phantasie zu entdecken?“*, Jonathan Touitou
Resident of message salon embassy, August 21st to September 4th 2015, Zine No. 4 – Edition of 80 Copies, 24 P., 20 CHF ©2015 Jonathan Touitou & message salon
*”How can I search in Google to discover the limits of my imagination?”
message salon embassy needs support and offers participation: Honorary Consul 1000 CHF, Consul 800 CHF, Cultural Attaché 300 CHF, Staff 100 CHF.
With gratitude, Madame l’Ambassadeur Esther Eppstein