Pimp my Painting is a painterly-performative experiment in the consensual appropriation of art. Painters hand over their unsuccessful, unfinished or otherwise problematic works to the experienced “Pimp my Painting” team.
For three weeks, Karoline Schreiber and Julia Sheppard work on problematic paintings in the “Pimp my Painting” studio at message salon, which have been entrusted to them by the requested artists.
Painting and the artistic process take centre stage in this collaborative project. But the two painters also pose further-reaching questions about appropriation, authorship, competition, friendship and enmity between artists, as well as production conditions, the art market and market value.
Painting is usually a solitary, often lengthy process in the studio. In the message salon, the process is visible in the “Pimpshop”, and various events invite you to visit the studio. In an artist talk on 5 November, NZZ art critic Samuel Herzog, artist Thomas Müllenbach and the two “Pimp my Painting” studio owners will discuss artistic appropriation. The crowning glory is the week-long exhibition with all the works submitted and pimped by Karoline Schreiber and Julia Sheppard.
“Pimp My Painting” with entrusted works by Urs Aeschbach, Kevin Aeschbacher, Wamidh Al-Ameri, Gen Atem, Zahra Atifi, Anton Bruhin, Ralph Bürgin, Pascal Danz, Andreas Dobler, Marc Elsener, El Frauenfelder, Marcel Gähler, Monica Germann & Daniel Lorenzi, Philippe Glatz, Clare Goodwin, Patrick Graf, Christian Grogg, Corinne Güdemann, Valentin Hauri, Marco Nicolas Heinzen, Christoph Hüppi, Andrea Muheim, Thomas Müllenbach, Bettina Mürner, Maria Pomiansky, Albrecht Schnider, Karoline Schreiber, Julia Sheppard, Jeroen Singer, Loredana Sperini, Nora Steiner and Hans Witschi.