Jahrgang “message salon Wohnwagen (1998-2000)” Video Club and talk at message salon caravan Noah Merzbacher, Esther Eppstein, Etienne Eisele, Sophie Nadler 11.05.2023 02.05.2023
Art, friendship and photo albums In conversation at message salon caravan San Keller, Esther Eppstein, DJ Sistaesta 01.04.2023 23.03.2023
Treppstein komm back! Artist Talk with Treppstein at message salon caravan Treppstein, Joel Spiegelberg, Selina Trepp, Esther Eppstein 16.03.2023 24.02.2023
ALTITUDE – A double-decker artist-talk Freweini Habte, Daniela Palimariu, Gioia Dal Molin, Marta Margnetti 05.04.2018 27.03.2018
“Esther Eppstein message salon” The book and exhibition about the message salon, the photo albums and Perla-Mode Tobias von Glenck, DJ Sistaesta, Martin Lorenz, Esther Eppstein, Giorgio Iemmolo, None of Them 04.05.2016 – 07.05.2016 17.04.2016
“Notes from the Alps” – Ella Spector message salon embassy Zine No. 03 Ella Spector, Giorgio Iemmolo, Urs August Steiner 14.08.2015 11.08.2015
Le salon dans le Salon “I was kidding” Hosted by Dr. Iemmolo Giorgio Iemmolo, Micha Lewinsky, Roy Menachem Markovich 10.07.2015 04.07.2015
Le salon dans le Salon “Where did I end up?” Hosted by Dr. Iemmolo Maria Pomiansky, Anna Lukashevsky, Giorgio Iemmolo 30.05.2015 26.05.2015
All My Clean Friends and Lovers Dirk Meinzer, Friends and Lovers in Underground, Jennifer Bennett, Peter Stoffel, Adnan Softić, Denis Stoffner, Kerim Seiler, Oliver Ross, David Chieppo 07.12.2012 – 14.12.2012 10.03.2013
Spill The Beans Mayo, Andrea Roca, Zoë Meyer, Renata Burckhardt, secret gäng, Manon Malan, August Blum, San Keller 06.02.2010 – 12.02.2010 11.09.2013