homebody – The magazin zurich moves! 2021 Esther Eppstein, Marc Walter Streit 13.05.2021 – 30.11.2021 06.01.2022
Esther Eppstein message salon –The Publication Benjamin Sommerhalder, Kerim Seiler, Esther Eppstein, Alexis Saile, Nadine Olonetzky 04.05.2016 02.07.2016
“Esther Eppstein message salon” The book and exhibition about the message salon, the photo albums and Perla-Mode Esther Eppstein, Giorgio Iemmolo, None of Them, Tobias von Glenck, DJ Sistaesta, Martin Lorenz 04.05.2016 – 07.05.2016 17.04.2016