… Candles flickered through the night on Langstrasse, shining sadly and wistfully into Brauerstrasse …
“The Memorial Window” is an ever-expanding memorial to message salon, Perla-Mode and Langstrasse. Until the last day, when message salon leaves Langstrasse.
An altar of remembrance made of leftover art and material from the Perla-Mode cellar fundus is set up in the shop window. New candles, flowers and memorabilia are added daily. Hand-painted price tags from the former Rubinfeld textile shop, a mannequin from Bonna 88, once the most beautiful clothes shop on Langstrasse, documents and souvenirs from message salon, Perla-Mode and Langstrasse are grouped around the legendary photograph of the mysterious and always silent companion of Perla-Mode, known as the “Venus of Langstrasse”.
The “Memorial Window” is a collaborative work staged by Roy Menachem Markovich, Esther Eppstein and mourning friends of message salon and Perla-Mode.