Fabriktheater gives the message salon a carte blanche and a stage in the brick room as part of ‘Die Zürcher Restspiele’, the theatre festival of the independent scene.
Friday 12 June: Texttape. Speed dates with ten young authors. An evening staged by Ivona Brdjanovic. Musical accompaniment by Miriam Schweizer
Saturday 13 June: Chaostage. Open stage with Ajana Dracula, Wung the Heartist and many more!
Wednesday 17 June: Kursk – How low can you sink? Theatre ccupation with the crew of the Kursk
Friday 19 June.: message salon brick party! With zine vernissage by Anna Lukashevsky, live drawing with Karoline Schreiber, concert by Señor Sandwich and None of Them, party with DJ Sistaesta
Saturday 20 June: Katersalon with music by Arthur T. Fever & The Mother Soup Lovers.
Concept and programme: Esther Eppstein, message salon, Scenography: Zainab Lascandri
message salon would like to thank all participating artists, the Fabriktheater, the technical crew of the Rote Fabrik, the Shedhalle and the Restaurant Ziegel oh Lac for their cooperation and support!